
  • 01
    育種 Seed Culture

    良質なヤエヤマクロレラ株は完全減菌された種苗培養装置で 無菌培養され、屋外培養への種母となります。

    Our high quality Yaeyama Chlorella strain is grown in disinfected and sterilized growing chambers, and becomes the seed culture for our outdoor culture.

  • 02
    本培養 Outdoor Culture

    石垣島の恵まれた気候、さんさんと照りつける太陽、良質な水、屋外オープン培養方式で光合成培養されるヤエヤマクロレラは、たんぱく質、ビタミン、 ミネラルをバランスよく含み、クロロフィル高含有のクロレラに成長します。

    The beautiful Ishigaki Island sun, the natural waters and our specialized outdoor culture facilities make Chlorella that is high in protein, vitamins and minerals.

  • 03
    収獲 Harvest

    10数基の連続遠心分離機を用いて、培養液からクロレラを分離します。良質な水をふんだんに使用し、洗浄、分離を繰返すことによって 他の微生物を含まない清浄なクロレラを得ることができます。

    Once grown, centrifuges are used to separate the chlorella from the growing medium. We then utilize an extensive washing and separating process to create a pure and clean Chlorella with no contaminants. Our product facility is manufactured using high quality stainless steel, and we operate with extensive safety and sanitation checks to ensure our products meet our high quality standards for the outdoors production process.

  • 04
    乾燥 Drying

    各ロットは品質の変化を防ぐために自社で開発した脱気梱包装置により脱気梱包されます。 これによって色、香り、味などの変化を防ぐことが出来ます。品質への気配りがそこにも見ることが出来ます。

    The collected Chlorella is then sent to our spray drying system. One of the largest in Japan, the drying system uses our own blanching technology to create a Chlorella powder that is easy to digest, and retains its brilliant green color.

    Drying is the final step, and gets equally stringent attention. This is done to ensure our consumers get the best possible Chlorella.

    Careful production management extends to our packaging. We developed our own specialized vacuum packaging system to prevent changes to the color, scent and flavor to the product. This is how we deliver our attention to detail all the way to you.

  • 05
    品質検査 Quality Testing

    食品衛生法の基準はもちろんのこと、 日本健康栄養食品協会規格基準、さらに厳しく定めた自社規定をクリアしたものを製品化用に使用します。

    Our process doesn't end at packaging. Every production lot is carefully inspected, and only allowed to be delivered to our consumers when they pass every check.
    At Yaeyama shokusan, we have created our own internal test standards that not only meet but exceed the stringent Japanese food safety regulations and those of the Japan Health and Nutrition Food Association (JHNFA.org).